2024-10-09 08:00:00 2024-10-11 19:10:00 Europe/Madrid Congreso Biología Molecular Congreso Biología Molecular CIMA - Universidad de Navarra ,Av. de Pío XII, 55, 31008 Pamplona, Navarra rnasymposium@doctaforum.com


– The Scientific Committee welcomes submissions for abstract presentations at the »Bridging RNA Biology and Therapy: Exploring the Frontiers of Advanced’’ to be held on October 9th-11th, 2024.

The only way to submit abstracts will be through the meeting website. Abstracts sent by post or e-mail will not be accepted.
The Technical Secretariat will send the first author (or author who submits the abstract) an acceptance/rejection notification via email from September 16th 2024.
The author submitting the abstract must be registered for the ''Bridging RNA Biology and Therapy: Exploring the Frontiers of Advanced’’.

The submission of the file implies authorization to record it and include it in the training material that may be produced in connection with the Congress.
The abstract must be clearly related to the contents of the ''Bridging RNA Biology and Therapy: Exploring the Frontiers of Advanced’’
Acceptance or rejection will be notified via e-mail, to the address indicated on the submission form.
Abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee, whose decision will be final.
The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject abstracts that do not meet the criteria indicated above due to the quality and subject matter required for the scientific event.

  • Title without abbreviations.

  • Authors and affiliations.

  • Abstract.

  • Bibliography (if applicable).

The maximum length of the paper should not exceed 2.500 characters.
All posters accepted by the Scientific Committee and submitted in the required format will be displayed at the venue (printing is at the authors' expense)
The printing dimensions of the posters will be informed once the abstract has been accepted.
The Technical Secretariat will send the first author (or author who submitted the paper) the rules and guidelines to follow in order to prepare the poster in pdf format.